THE BROTHERS KOREN Singers, Songwriters, Transformational Leaders Founders of The Songwriter’s Journey

Singers, Songwriters, Transformational Leaders
Founders of The Songwriter’s Journey

The Brothers Koren

The Brothers Koren (Formerly known as The Kin): "We felt like outcasts," say brothers Isaac and Thorald Koren. As The Kin, they were signed to Interscope/Universal Records; they toured with Pink and Coldplay and Rod Stewart, performing in massive arena shows around the world. They appeared on Conan O'Brien and their music was heard in major movies. Despite all of that success, they realized that they were allowing others to define their value. And they were done chasing approval. They launched the writer/producer team BRÅVES as an experiment in expression without rules. Now, through the development of The Songwriter's Journey, they are helping others reclaim the music they abandoned to do the same.